Welcome to our Mission Whanau (Year 3&4) Blog

Welcome to our Mission Whanau (Year 3&4) Blog

Saturday 23 January 2021

It's been awhile...

OMG!  Look how long since we posted!  The world went a bit crazy and we moved into a different digital space to share our learning.  We will try to do better at keeping the blog up to date this year!  

If you are new to the Mission Whanau then please check out past posts and look down the right hand side for loads of Maths Games you can play at home. 

If you belong to our team in some way, your child will bring home instructions for joining our Mission Whanau Edmodo Group so you can see the kids posting work.  Here on the blog feel free to comment on our learning. 

You can access lots of resources for home learning in our Learning Hub - https://sites.google.com/stpatsnapier.school.nz/home-learning 

Looking forward to a great 2021! Let the learning begin!