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Welcome to our Mission Whanau (Year 3&4) Blog

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Social Justice Week

During Social Justice Week we have been discussing the social issues we face in New Zealand and issues we might face everyday in our class/school/home.  We have really been considering the things that effect a person so they do not have an equal opportunity in life.  We have thought about the ways in which we can be the 'Body of Christ', what we can do to make a difference and how we can use our words and actions to make a positive change for people effected by social issues.       

The term 'social justice' implies fairness and mutual obligation in society: that we are responsible for one another, and that we should ensure that all have equal chances to succeed in life.

The Caritas focus during this week is on Catholic social teaching, which provides us with key ethical principles through which we can interpret social issues around us and take action to seek justice. Seven of the principles are: human dignity; solidarity; subsidiarity; stewardship; common good; participation; and preferential option for the poor. See http://caritas.org.nz/resources/cst for videos to explain and give examples of each of these.

We were really motivated by the following images.  They made us think about what we would take a stand about.

Check out our images and please leave us your reactions.

These images also really shocked us and made us consider the hurtful names we might use for others.


  1. this is a really good way to express your feelings !!

  2. I really enjoyed learning about social justice week it made me reflect on the horrible things I have said before in my life

  3. How you said that girls at our age are expected to get married and have a family what will happen if they say " No I will not marry this man?".

    1. I liked learning about all the sighns that we made to change someones mind before they hurt someone's feelings. Brendon

  4. This is a good way to tell and remind the children not to be a bad person but to be good and show others who you really are.

  5. I really enjoyed learning about social justice its a good way to express your feelings.

  6. This was a very good way to remind us students that we need to be more kind and considerate of others. I like how we all got to think about something that WE get bullied for or others.
    Abby Bell :)

  7. These really spoke to me and made me think about what I've said to other people

  8. Learning about Social Justice week really made me reflect on times that I have made others upset and also made me think how to change the way that I think about and talk to others.

  9. This video is unique in it's own way. Way to support the social justice week and I love how you expressed yourself. Way to Go.

  10. This is a beautiful video you have made you guys. Perseverance is key. Way to support Social Justice week guys.

  11. I think we should all stand up to bully's so the world can be a better place for everyone

  12. I think we should stand up to bully's so the world can be a better place for everyone

  13. It was hard to think of a meaningful phrase to put on my paper but once I found one it seem to sick in my head for ages.

  14. I think we should stand up to bullies so every one can a good day, the social justice posters should have a real impacton those who get bullied and the those who bully them.

  15. Amazing photos. Makes people realise that although the names may seem harmless, some don't take it as a joke. Well done you lot ;)

  16. I think the photos are really empowering for people who are being bullied, they show they can stand up to the bully's. Hopefully they won't bully anyone again

  17. This was a great way to tell people to stop bulling and abuseing
