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Welcome to our Mission Whanau (Year 3&4) Blog

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Speech Finals

A huge well done to all the senior finalists who presented their speeches on Friday afternoon.  You did a fantastic job to present over all our building noise.  It was fantastic to see such a variety of topics and ways to present all under the same subject of 'pests'.  
I am so proud of Elizabeth, Jacob and Emily!
Congratulations to Anneliese, Emily, Jacob and Amy and best of luck to Anneliese and Emily in next week's TACs Speech Competition!


  1. Sophie downing16 June 2014 at 08:41

    Well done Emily and Annalise for making it in to the finals and going to represent our school ,you guys did really well with your speech.

  2. Well done to Anneliese, Emily, Jacob and Amy for making the top 3 placings and good luck for representing our school at the speech finals. WELL DONE AND GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

  3. Charity Laga'aia17 June 2014 at 16:42

    congratulations to emily and anneliese for getting thorugh and well done to jacob and amy for 3rd place !!!

  4. jessie matauli17 June 2014 at 18:53

    well done to all our speech finalist you guys tried your best well done . congratulations to Anneliese and Emily jacob amy coming 3rd place !!!

  5. congrats emily and annalise thought that you guys did awesome speeches and good luck for the finals i thought this was really fun doing these speeches thanks to all the teachers that organised it and made it happen

  6. well done to annalise and Emily for making it into the speech finals and amy and Jacob for coming 3rd. good luck

  7. Niamh Muldowney18 June 2014 at 19:31

    well done Emily and annalise for getting in the speech finals they were really funny and interesting I hope you do really well in the tacs finals !!!

  8. Denise Penitito19 June 2014 at 08:41

    Good job to our speech finalist. we wish them luck. Everyone was awesome on Friday.

  9. Sarah O'malley19 June 2014 at 09:30

    WELL done to Emily and Annalise the finalists they were spectacular speeches Infact all of the speeches were awesome but we can only have two finalists well done though.
